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Announcements and Updates

Homeowner Property Maintenance Requirements

Being a homeowner entails several additional duties related to property care. The owner cannot neglect to make necessary repairs and let their property deteriorate. All properties are subject to the City of Ottawa Property Standards bylaw and Property Maintenance bylaw. These bylaws are in place for legitimate reasons, such as maintaining health and safety standards and avoiding vermin infestations. According to the City, property owners are required to make necessary repairs, keep the property in good shape, and keep it up to bylaw requirements while also removing any hazards.

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Better Homes Loan Program

The City has developed the Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Ottawa. Please visit the Better Homes Ottawa website to learn more about the Program and how you can apply.

The Better Homes Loan program will make it easier and more affordable for homeowners to pay for home improvements over time as they save on their energy bills. Through the proposed Better Homes Loan program, Ottawa homeowners could get a low-interest loan of up to 10 per cent of the current value of their home to cover the cost of home energy improvements.

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